Image of a woman holding dried grasses thinking about photographer burnout and three rituals to help you feel less overwhelmed

Simplified Business

Photographer burnout – 3 Simple Business Rituals to free up your time 

Photographer burnout is one of the main reasons my clients seek my support. Behind every overly exhausted photographer is a human pouring their heart and soul into every image, every client and endless hours learning and honing your craft.  As someone who spent two years recovering from business burnout, I just want you to know […]

Simplified Business

BTS – How I updated my Process after my Re-brand!

Last week I spent the entire week updating my own system and processes. It was a really interesting exercise, because I used the exact process and journey that I take my own clients through. It was a really refreshing thing to do, because although I often tell my clients that designing good systems starts by […]

Slow Business

The ‘results’ – A full year without using Instagram!

This week marks a whole year without using Instagram – and so I thought I would share the ‘results’ of what that has looked like for me? From both a personal perspective, and from a business perspective.  So much has changed since I decided to close that little App almost a year ago!  It came […]

A clay coloured card with gold foiling - creating boundaries in your photography business

Client Experience

Creating boundaries in your photography business

Creating boundaries in your photography business can be tough. Especially if you are a sensitive empath, trying to run a photography business, you can easily fall into the trap of “people pleasing”.

Having little to no boundaries can lead to bigger problems within your photography business and make you think negatively towards your work and your clients.

Woman wearing a brown dress writing down ways to simplify your photography service

Client Experience

How to simplify your photography service for more ease?

The best way to simplify your photography service to create more ease, is to become more intentional with your time, values and deciding on what your version of success is. I am really intentional about not selling my service as a Dubsado Set-up Service, because although Dubsado is a tool that my clients can use […]

A Laptop showing a Dubsado Proposal for a small create business to improve their client experience

Client Experience

Looking at your Client Experience through a different lens…

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to experience your own service from your client’s perspective? Every interaction you have with your client, whether that is through your marketing, your website, an email, document or a zoom call is an opportunity to create an experience for your client. And by not having awareness around the […]

Two Woman Speaking to each other on a zoom call, woman is thinking about improving her client experience

Client Experience

Improving your Client experience starts with taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture!

The best way to improve your client experience is to take a step back, hit the pause button, and think about every interaction you have with your client as an opportunity to create a difference in their lives (no matter how small)! Now that might seem like a really overwhelming thing to do, but skipping […]

Client Experience

Creating a client experience that is less transactional and more transformational!

Is it possible for our work to feel less transactional and more transformational? Not just for our clients, but for us as the small business owner too? What I mean by this statement is that with all of the business tips and advice out there, I never want to forget to bring humanity into my […]

Woman working on a laptop try to build true for her photographer clients

Client Experience

Building trust as a photographer

Building trust as a photographer is essential to growing a thriving business – but most importantly it is essential to build trust within yourself, your business and your clients. I have been an entrepreneur for over 10 years, I have never had a corporate job, and living this way has forced me to build a […]

Slow Business

How it’s been without Instagram!

I thought I would share what the past five months have looked like since I last logged into our Instagram account. It seems to be the question I get asked most often these days, and I can honestly say that not much has changed (and yet so much has changed, for me personally).  When I […]


Does sending oFF a client gallery feel a little *meh*?

Why not craft an intentional goodbye ritual (aka off-boarding workflow) that will help you clients look after their images. A process that will help you get more reviews, sell more albums, and help you and your clients feel soooooooo supported.