Building trust as a photographer is essential to growing a thriving business – but most importantly it is essential to build trust within yourself, your business and your clients.
I have been an entrepreneur for over 10 years, I have never had a corporate job, and living this way has forced me to build a sense of trust within myself, but also shown me how important it is to build trust with others in my industry and very importantly with clients.
The lesson of trust within myself has shown up in so many ways in the last ten years, from trusting that I will have enough money to pay the bills, to trust in myself and my capabilities, trust to figure things out when the work gets hard or I’ve messed up, trust that the right client or opportunity will come my way, trust to be able to say no, and most recently the trust to follow my instincts and heart over all the millions of “shoulds” in this wild world of business.
Trust is something that seems to be becoming more and more scarce these days. Which is why I think it’s so important to make sure it’s a priority in your photography businesses.
The client experience helps to build trust as a photographer. Not only for your clients, but also trust within yourself. Lately, I have been thinking of the intersection between you (the business owner) and your clients and how important it is to build trust on both sides of this relationship.
One the one hand, having systems, processes and a strategy in place helps build trust. Its gives you:
- A clear process and guideline to trust and uphold for each and every one of your clients
- Trust in the value you are able to offer
- Trust to know when you have done enough, and to draw the line between people pleasing & providing a valuable experience
- Trust in your process when we feel mentally and physically exhausted
- Trust that building relationships will help you work with more clients who share your same values and creativity
And on the other side, building trust with your clients can create:
- A sense of validation that their investment was worth every penny
- Trust that they have chosen to work with the right person, who will encourage & guide them through the change or desire they crave
- Trust in the work & service you are able to provide
- Trust that they are more than just a transaction (I have had this feeling far too many times, and it feels awful knowing that someone only cares when they want your money, only to be left feeling disappointed in the service)
It feels like we have so much knowledge on how to gain clients, but very little when it comes to nurturing that relationship with them.
Building trust as a photographer feels like a muscle that you have to exercise, and the more you build trust the stronger your photography businesses & client relationships will be.

This year has felt like a real test to the trust I have built in myself, and with others. As we move our business forward in a new direction there have been moments where I have felt scared, and that I should just stick to the way things are because it’s safe. But that would be not trusting myself, and not trusting what feels right and true in my heart. Building trust isn’t always easy, but it’s what is needed to be in true alignment with ourselves & others.
If this really resonates with you and you want to find out more – head on over to see how we can work together. Or sign up to my newsletter where I share more tips on how I run a thoughtful & intentional business rooted in slow business values & principles.