Crafting the perfect welcome pack

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I believe in a slower, simpler approach to doing business. One rooted in intention, meaning & purpose, where you find that beautiful (yet often seemingly elusive) balance between deeply supporting your clients, honouring your creativity, and reclaiming your time, energy and heart.
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Image of a wedding photographer's welcome gift, gift vouchers and stickers. The box is covered in a grey linen bookcloth

I often get enquiries from our clients, confused about how to craft the perfect welcome pack. Their main concerns are what to include, and while this is a very important question, I think you first need to ask yourself what is the purpose behind sending a welcome pack?

Some of the main reasons to send a welcome pack include:

  • Saying thank you to your client for booking
  • As a way to improve your client experience
  • To add value during your client journey, when increasing your prices.
  • To send your client information about your process, and what they can expect while working together

I would suggest you first look at your overall client experience, and decide where you want to add value throughout your journey, and where you want to include tangible elements.

This will help you decide the purpose of your welcome pack. You also need to decide how you would like to make them feel, and consider your brand values & brand messaging. The main thing you need to do throughout your client journey is to make your clients feel valued, and to ease their pain points at every opportunity.

Who would a welcome pack work for?

Welcome packs are better suited to service-based businesses, who offer a high end / high value product. The reason behind sending a welcome pack, is to welcome your clients and should be part of your onboarding process. The point of sending out a welcome pack, is that often your client has invested a lot of money into your service, and it may take several months or even over a year for them to receive the final delivery. The most important thing to remember is that you want it to add value to your client experience. It will bridge the time between booking & when the final product is delivered.

This is the case for most:

  • Wedding photographers
  • Coaches
  • Wedding planners
  • Florists
  • And Web Developers / graphic designers

You want to send your clients something small & most importantly tangible, to say thank you for entrusting you to do the service you have been paid to do.

Why this helps:

  • It builds trust
  • Creates connection
  • Generates excitement

WHY or IF you need one:

Firstly, let me start off by saying you don’t need one. This is a personal preference and it really depends on how you place yourself in the market. If you are starting out and finding your feet be careful not to let it start cutting into your profit margins. You want to make sure you have included the costs into your pricing structure. This is great for service-based businesses who are looking to jump into a higher price bracket. It’s a way to elevate your brand and add to your overall client experience. If you are a luxury service provider, then I think it is absolutely essential that you include something tangible in your client on-boarding process.

The first thing to do is set a budget. You don’t want to get carried away, because let’s face it, it feels wonderful to give a gift. But don’t give gifts just for the sake of gifting. Like everything in business, you want to be strategic in what you are gifting. If you would like to create a strategy around your Client Experience, why not book one of my Simplify and Refresh Intensives. Where I can help you craft a strategy to enhance your brands perceived value.

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