Improving your Client experience starts with taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture!

Client Experience


I believe in a slower, simpler approach to doing business. One rooted in intention, meaning & purpose, where you find that beautiful (yet often seemingly elusive) balance between deeply supporting your clients, honouring your creativity, and reclaiming your time, energy and heart.
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Two Woman Speaking to each other on a zoom call, woman is thinking about improving her client experience

The best way to improve your client experience is to take a step back, hit the pause button, and think about every interaction you have with your client as an opportunity to create a difference in their lives (no matter how small)!

Now that might seem like a really overwhelming thing to do, but skipping this step might leave you creating a very transactional experience with your clients, instead of a transformational experience! 

It can be really tempting to buy some templates write a couple of emails and call it a day when it comes to improving your client experience- and while that may work and your clients won’t necessarily have a bad experience you are missing out on making it something people really talk about and makes an impression that will last for many many years to come!

Often with service based businesses, the client experience is a long journey, so you want to make your clients feel valued and engaged throughout their time working with you, not only at the beginning and the end of your service. 

Client experience goes far beyond providing good customer service – you really need to think of every interaction your client has with your brand as a way to set yourself apart, build a strong relationship, and create an emotional response to ensure a referral worthy experience. You don’t need to make a grand gesture, often just a few thoughtful details and touches leave the best impressions.

Before you rush straight into action, try asking yourself some of these questions:

How do you want your clients to feel?

The best way to start designing your client experience is to start with how you want to make your clients feel. Dig a little deeper, don’t just think about how YOU want them to feel, rather think about how THEY would like to feel? Why would they like to feel this way, and what specific emotions could they be dealing with at every phase of their client journey.

How can you get to know your client?

The more you know about your client (even the potential ones), the better you can serve them and the deeper connection you can create. Take the time to get to know them, ask questions and get their feedback. I think questionnaires, discovery calls and DMs are the best way to get to know your clients on a deeper, more personal level. 

How can you create value?

This is arguably the most important question when it comes to creating your client experience. You want to use the information gathered above to provide more value throughout your client experience. We sometimes forget that our client won’t always know what to expect, or may need some education & knowledge around the work you do. Take the time to meet your clients where they are, include them in your process, explain and explain again (Don’t just assume your client knows what happens next).

It shows that you truly care about them, and allows you to remain connected long after the service is complete. 

What struggles might they be dealing with?

Why are they reaching out to work with you? What do you think they are really searching for? What are they hoping to achieve by working with you? 

By discovering your clients deep doubts, fears and EMOTIONS  around your service you will be able to discover how you can best serve them and put their minds at ease. It will help them feel understood and valued.

How can you build or create a connection

Think of ways you can create connections, to touch your client on an emotional level. How can you encourage conversation, how can you use story and emotions to deepen this connection? Using video in your process is a great way to encourage a personal connection with you and your brand.

How can you build trust

You need to show up consistently, how can you build systems and methods to ensure you provide the same client experience to each and every client. Provide your clients with trustworthy resources and information to guide them throughout your client experience & beyond. 

Now that you can see the importance and value of improving your client experience, you might be wondering where to start? The most important thing to know that a good experience is built on good systems, which is why through my signature brand experience we’ll look at the way you currently deliver your service to find ways you can build trust, increase the value of your service AND give you the systems and processes to execute this strategy for every client (regardless of how busy you are or your energy levels).

If this really resonates with you and you want to find out more – head on over to see how we can work together. Or sign up to my newsletter where I share more tips on how I run a thoughtful & intentional business rooted in slow business values & principles.  

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