Using Libra’s energy to restore balance in your business

Slow Business


I believe in a slower, simpler approach to doing business. One rooted in intention, meaning & purpose, where you find that beautiful (yet often seemingly elusive) balance between deeply supporting your clients, honouring your creativity, and reclaiming your time, energy and heart.
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Pulse oil being applied to a wrist to symbolise restoring your balance in business

October is a wonderful month to slow down a little in your business and use Libra’s energy of harmony, balance, and connection to recalibrate and restore calm in your business.

Especially after a busy summer – maybe you were taking time off, juggling kids and work or you had non-stop client work. 

Chances are you feel like one part of your business or life (or both) has suffered or taken a back seat over the last few months?

Libra’s energy invites you to seek alignment in your life and business by focusing on areas where you might be pushing yourself a little too hard or completely neglecting areas of your business (or personal life) and finding ways to restore balance.

When I first thought of creating a balance ritual, the image of the scales traditionally representing Libra came to mind. But, the reality of balance in business often looks quite different.

It reminds me of when I take my daughter to the park, and she heads straight for the seesaw (or teeter-totter, if you’re from the US).

Now, my daughter is an only child, which makes the seesaw a bit of a challenge.

It’s a lot like being a solopreneur, where you constantly try to balance all the hats you must wear.

You’re busy with client work, and while your energy and focus are there, your marketing, business strategy, and foundations are up in the air.

Then, when client work slows down, you run (read scramble) to the other side, trying to get everything else back on track.

The same goes for balancing your personal life with your business—sometimes, I feel like I’m flying high in the business department, but my home feels like a giant tip, and my mum guilt is at 1000%. 

It’s exhausting, and frankly, it’s no fun – just like my daughter struggling to enjoy the seesaw alone. But then we found a different way to approach it.

Instead of waiting for another kid to sit on the other end, she used the seesaw like a balance board. At first, I’d hold her hand as she walked from one end to the other, testing her balance. She’d try to keep it perfectly even, but she quickly realised that she couldn’t stay still for long.

She had to keep recalibrating, adjusting her stance, and shifting her weight from one side to another to keep tipping over.

And that’s okay—balance isn’t about trying to get things perfectly even; it’s about noticing when things shift, and you need to make a few adjustments.

And sometimes, she would go from one end to the other – making an intentional decision to be out of balance, knowing she could always turn around and return to the other end.

It’s the same in business. Sometimes, life demands more energy and attention, and that’s when the energy in your business needs to adjust and move more efficiently or with fewer demands.

Other times, life eases up a bit, and the focus can shift back to your business, and you find yourself recalibrating again.

The important thing is recognising that balance isn’t about giving everything equal time and effort—it’s about being flexible and knowing when to lean in and when to let go.

Just like my daughter on the seesaw, it’s the constant adjustments that keep everything moving with intention.

Setting the scene for your ritual to restore balance in your business

Find a cosy spot to enjoy this ritual. Before you get started, Libra’s energy is also centred around creativity and appreciation for beautiful things, so why not give your desk or office space a quick little makeover. 

I love to make little changes to my desk to mark the change in the season. You could go out and collect some dried leaves, add some gorgeous candles or fairy lights to your space, or even a couple of pumpkins if you are feeling extra autumnal. I recently created a little mushroom garland, which I absolutely love, and I will link the tutorial from the original creator.

Now that your space feels cosy and beautiful, ground your energy and intention. Think about how you want to use Libra’s energy to illuminate where balance needs to be restored in your business.

Take a moment to Reflect and set your intentions for this ritual.

Take a deep breath and consider everything I have mentioned about finding balance. What does balance mean to you? 

Be sure to take a moment to be kind to yourself and acknowledge that sometimes the scales will lean toward one area more than the other, which is totally okay.

Offer yourself some kind words if you feel like you have let an area of your business or life go, knowing that there are always ways to recalibrate and readjust.

Next, take a few more deep breaths, and write down a few areas in your business (or life) where you spend most of your energy?

This could mean spending all your energy on client work but feeling like you need to give your business the love and care it deserves.

Maybe you have been burning the midnight oil, trying to give 100% of your energy to your home life and 100% to your business (which is impossible – the math doesn’t math). This can leave you feeling frazzled and like you might rot on the sofa for 10 weeks to recover.

If you’re honest, maybe you have been spending all of your energy overthinking and looking through everyone else’s Instagram and website instead of putting that energy into creating something different for your own business.

Remember—this is a judgement-free zone! All we are doing here is bringing your attention to where your energy is being spent and where there might be an imbalance.

As you identify where you have been spending all of your energy, you will probably be able to see which areas feel neglected or undernourished. Take some time to write these down, too.

This could mean spending some time working on your marketing strategy because you know you need to book some new clients.

Or you may need to take some time to tend to your needs, like making space to do the things that give you energy, like taking an afternoon off to do a creative project or snuggling up with a good book on the sofa.

Take another deep breath in, and write down where you would like to create more space to honour your needs and where you are in this season of business.

You may have had a hectic season, but now you need to slow down and restore your energy.

Perhaps you are a mum, and the reality is, you only have a limited time to dedicate to your business every week.

Acknowledging the season you are in, will help you know how to recalibrate and where to focus your energy and effort.

Now, it’s time to restore balance in your business.

Now that you have taken some time to reflect on what needs your attention during the next few weeks, you can write down your intentions:

Pick one or two areas that you would like to create more balance:

  • For example, you might want to spend less time-consuming content and more time creating your own content.
  • You might want to shift from using all of your time and energy to client work to dedicating a day or two where you get to work on tending to your business.
  • Maybe you realise that you don’t have the energy to do things the way you used to in this business season —this could mean offering smaller packages or changing the way you work.

These will help you set your intentions and determine what actions you need to take to restore more balance in your business. 

Remember to keep these actions manageable and aligned with your intentions. This could look like:

  • Create a habit of setting aside 30 minutes for yourself every day to enjoy activities that restore your energy (like reading, taking a dance class, or spending some time forest-bathing)
  • Maybe you start breaking down a big project you want to work on in your business into 30-minute tasks. That way, you can start to feel like you aren’t just spending all of your energy on client work and see some progress.

This will be personal to you, but my biggest advice is not to do too much all at once. Slow down, trust that by taking small steps, and be gentle to yourself!

You will find a way to restore balance and create a business that gives you joy.

Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself again. Let everything flow through you, feeling confident you know where to pour your energy and efforts over the next few weeks.

I hope this ritual has helped you find the areas where you need to shift your energy and intentions to restore balance in your business (and life)!

If you enjoyed this ritual, you can sign up for my email newsletter, Rituals and Remedies. I love to share my personal practice and rituals for running my business in alignment with the wheel of the year and the natural rhythms of life.

You can also learn more about working with me 1:1 – as I help you run your business more in tune with the seasons. So you can build a business that doesn’t leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Instead, run a cosy, seasonal business that supports you in harnessing your creativity and energy, making space for seasons of growth, reflection, action, AND REST!

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Identify where you need to make changes in your business, set intentions and know where to pour your energy and efforts.

Have the support of someone who can challenge your thoughts, remind you of your magic, and gently hold you accountable so you can accomplish your vision for your business.