Choosing your final delivery packaging as a photographer

Client Experience


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A Kraft shipping box filled with a notecard and a print pouch for a final delivery packaging as a photographer
Photography packaging designed for Laura Williams Photography, image by Jade Alana Photography

Choosing your final delivery packaging as a photographer can be such a joyful experience, but it can be equally as daunting.

If you have recently rebranded or are looking for a way to enhance your final delivery with a tangible brand touchpoint as a photographer – I have five tips to ensuring this experience feels intentional and thoughtful.

Before you begin you might find it helpful to reconnect with your brand values and the feeling you are trying to invoke during the unboxing experience. 

It can be easy to get a bit over excited with the possibilities – everything looks so beautiful and inspiring but pretty soon you might start to feel confused and overwhelmed with so many options. From different cardstocks, to finishing techniques –  you might lose sight of what will truly represent your brand.

Here are five steps for choosing your final delivery packaging as a photographer

What is your intention behind your final delivery packaging as a photographer?

Let me start by saying that this is a vital step when choosing your packaging. There are no rules to say that you have to have branded stickers or a thank you note. If you choose to include these things in your final delivery packaging make sure that there is intention behind it.

You need to start with your client – imagine how they are feeling when they first look at their gallery? How can your final delivery packaging further enhance you client experience?

A couple of years ago, I owned a business call Molly And Tom. We helped photographers create memorable final delivery experiences for their clients. Take a look at the packaging we did for Pierra G Photography (video credit Russell Kent Nicholls) – with our help she became very clear on her intention behind her final delivery packaging and how she wanted to make her clients feel.

It’s really important to think about why you want to create a tangible brand touch point for your final delivery packaging as a photographer? Perhaps it’s to help them slow down after a busy day, to enjoy a moment together before looking at their images or maybe it’s to show your clients the value of print?

How can you create packaging that further enhances their experience. Perhaps the packaging could be beautifully tactile, so that your client stops to feel the texture, connecting to more of their senses. Perhaps you could include a ritual or date night idea, reminding your couple to take time for themselves and reconnect to each other frequently through their wedding images. 

Every piece included in your final delivery should have a purpose. Whether that’s to create a connection, tell your brand story, explain your process or how you would like your clients to enjoy their slideshow or gallery and how to take care of their images after their wedding / shoot. It’s important that these intentions are defined before choosing your final delivery packaging as a photographer.

How do you want to make your clients feel?

Write down a list of five emotions you would like your customer to feel when receiving a parcel from you? This could be joyful and excited, or peaceful, relaxed and calm. Now you can design your final delivery packaging around these emotions.

Write down 3-5 emotions – and then write five creative ways you could create this through your final delivery packaging as a photographer. Going back to the packaging for Pierra G Photography

  • She wanted to make her clients feel appreciated, which is why she decided to create a tangible brand touch point.
  • She wanted to help them remember what it felt like to work with her on the day of their wedding. She did this by including a powerful message on her thank you card that her clients could keep and frame and be reminded of her every time they glanced at it.
  • She wanted her clients to feel valued – which is everything was so meticulously wrapped. Every item was handmade from the heart and is packed with love and the utmost attention to detail.
  • She wanted to show her clients she cares about the environment and sustainability – which is why all of her packaging is plastic free, and made from recycled and recyclable materials.
  • She wanted them to feel connected – which is why she gave them ideas on how to enjoy this moment and included a link to a Spotify playlist for her clients to listen to when looking at their printed photos – helping them set the mood.

How can your final delivery packaging as a photographer create a lasting impression?

Think of ways you can create a connection in the hearts and minds of your clients.

In a noisy digital world it can be so hard to create a tangible connection with others. Your final delivery packaging allows you to create a strong tangible connection with your clients. This is a very helpful tool for introverted business owners who may feel uncomfortable creating connections online and feel much more at ease creating connection through thoughtful gifts and experiences. 

If you give your clients a positive experience, they will be more likely to become loyal supporters of your business and brand.

Is this necessary or wasteful?

While I believe your final delivery packaging as a photographer has a purpose, I by no means feel that it should ever be wasteful. If your final delivery packaging does not serve a purpose, or have a specific intention behind it simply don’t include it!

I firmly believe in less is more, so rather than having 5 packaging insert cards, think of ways that you can solidify your brand messaging and objective. Always find ways to make things reusable. And always ask yourself is this truly necessary?

The best way to enhance your photography brand and make your service stand out is to create a repeatable Client Experience Strategy (not just gifting). This is something I help photographers create on a Co-Creation day. Creating brand touch points and forging a signature process to generously serve your clients with your knowledge & expertise in a way that conserves your energy. Get in touch to find out more about creating a referral worthy Client Experience Strategy.

If this really resonates with you and you want to find out how to create an intentional client experience strategy – head on over to see how we can work together. Or sign up to my newsletter where I share more tips on how I run a thoughtful & intentional business rooted in slow business values & principles.  

Comments +

  1. […] Your client journey begins way before your final delivery. Don’t let all that hard work, and purpose be destroyed in your final delivery. Write down five key emotions you would like to create in your overall client experience, and make sure your packaging represents these five emotions. Take a look at this post for more helpful tips. […]

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