Full Moon Ritual for your business

Simplified Business


I believe in a slower, simpler approach to doing business. One rooted in intention, meaning & purpose, where you find that beautiful (yet often seemingly elusive) balance between deeply supporting your clients, honouring your creativity, and reclaiming your time, energy and heart.
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I wanted to create a full moon ritual for your business because how often do you find yourself holding onto the things that no longer serve you in your business?

Have you ever felt like you needed to let go of an idea, service, or way of doing things but felt too afraid to do so because it’s something familiar or comfortable? 

Maybe you are holding onto something because “what if” things don’t work out? Maybe it feels safer to hold onto it (even if it no longer feels in alignment or serves you or your business)?

Sometimes, you might have invested your time and energy into something in your business – but now it feels like a waste to just let it go. Even if it’s draining your energy and no longer fits where you see yourself headed?

Maybe you are holding onto something to prove a point? Absolutely no judgement here – I stayed in a business for too long to prove it could be successful to someone else who doubted me.

There are so many reasons why you could be holding onto things in your business that are no longer aligned or serve any purpose. But the full moon is the perfect time to reflect on these things in your business and slowly find the courage to let them go.

I just wanted to add a little side note here—sometimes, we can be aware of needing to let things go but not feel ready. I think that’s totally okay. I think it can be helpful to sit in the knowing—reminding yourself that you will feel ready to let things go! to make space for new things to enter your business.

The purpose of doing a full moon ritual in your business

Infuse your business with the wisdom and energies of the seasons and cycles around you instead of all the business messages surrounding us about growth at all costs.

It gives you a chance to pause and reflect, to recognise that rest and release are just as important as growth and action. I feel this is something that is missing in the business world of growth hacks and strategies.

The full moon is a time of releasing what no longer serves you. It could be small things like completing a project that has been dragging on for ages, letting go of a client that is draining your energy, or even noticing patterns that you feel no longer serve you.

The full moon is a great time to be intentional with your time and energy and focus on your business. You can use this time to take a step back (rest) and assess where your energy is best spent moving forward.

Use this time for reflection, which will bring you clarity on areas in your business where you can scale back, slow down, or let go altogether. By letting go of the unnecessary things in your business, you can make space for what truly aligns with your long-term vision.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive into your full moon ritual for your business.

This is completely up to you, but I encourage you to spend a few moments setting the mood and surrounding yourself with items that symbolise completion or release.

Here are some ideas:

  • Dark or deep-coloured candles like black, dark blue, or purple
  • Look to nature for things you can collect – like autumn leaves, a feather, acorns, driftwood, maybe even a seed, pine cones, or petals.
  • You could also look for physical things, such as an old notebook filled with unfinished project notes or an old to-do list.

Depending on how you feel each full moon cycle, some might feel heavier or more significant than others. There is no perfect way to do this ritual; just let your intuition guide you.

When you feel ready, you can put on some gentle music, light your candle or incense, and get ready to begin your full moon ritual.

Reflect on what is no longer serving you in your business.

While you were preparing for this full moon ritual, some things might have already come to the surface of what you feel like you need to let go of. 

Could it be an old strategy or way of doing things in your business? 

Is there a project or task that you have been putting off but really want to finish? It could be an offering or package leaving you feeling drained and depleted. 

Now is a good time to reflect on the things holding you back.

Maybe nothing really springs to mind initially—that’s okay, too. Here are some journaling prompts to help you identify what is feeling out of alignment in your business.

  • What projects, habits, or business strategies/stories no longer feel in alignment with my current goals or vision for my business?
  • Where do I feel resistance in my business, or is it something you have outgrown/moved past? Why might this be happening?
  • What projects, tasks, or offers have reached their natural end and need to be phased out or completed?
  • Are there any ideas/projects you are holding onto, or could you release them to make space for new opportunities?
  • Do you want to complete any tasks or projects in the next two weeks?

Letting go with gratitude

Letting go can be difficult, but it can also be really beautiful (and helpful, too). I think it’s really important to thank the things that are no longer serving us because chances are that, at one time or another, they did serve you or opened you up to other opportunities and directions you never thought possible.

Instead of feeling like you are giving up on something or admitting failure, gratitude can help you recognise what those things brought or added to your business.

It can also give you a sense of closure and help you make space for even better things to come.

With that in mind, write down everything you want to let go of in your business. Be really specific about what you are letting go of and why. You can also write down why you are grateful for the thing you are letting go of and what it taught you.

This part is optional, but I find it really helpful to visualise myself releasing things and letting them go. So, write some things down on scrap paper.

You can either tear them up and imagine yourself physically letting them go or safely burning them in a controlled environment.

As you do so, feel their weight lifted off your shoulders and feel the energy of making space for something even better to take its place or flourish.

As your full moon ritual comes to an end, you can spend some time reflecting on the things you want to finish or complete.

We can all be guilty of starting new projects and tasks before completing the ones we were already busy with.

Sometimes, it’s because we got stuck, maybe you lost motivation or energy to finish, or perhaps you realise you were working on the wrong thing.

Either way, the full moon is a great moment to quickly review your to-do list and reflect on the things you want to finish up.

Write down what you want to finish before starting the next lunar phase. These could be small niggly tasks that you have been putting off, or they could be very important tasks that you want to see through to the end.

This is also a really good time to cleanse your to-do list. 

The full moon offers the perfect time to review that list and remove the projects or tasks that don’t feel in alignment. This is why I encourage you to have a separate brain dump list so you can easily see where you want to focus your energy. 

My Mindful Task Collection Tool is a really helpful resource because it gives you a bird’s-eye view of everything you want to work on in your business. It also helps you clarify which projects and tasks align with your goals and visions. It’s a place to let ideas and projects sit without feeling the need to work on them straight away. 

You can release all the guilt when it comes to projects and tasks – giving yourself permission to act on them or letting them go without any guilt.

Finally, you can spend some time visualising the space you’ve created.

It’s really important to take a few moments to feel energised and excited about the space you have just created in your business. It can be so tempting to just move on and fill your time with new things, but by taking some time to sit with the space you have created, you can intentionally fill it with the things that are most important to you.

You can spend a few extra moments to ask yourself these questions:

  • What new opportunities or inspirations am I making room for by letting things go?
  • How can I welcome new creativity and flow into my business with this space I have created?

When you feel ready, you can ground yourself in the present moment and remind yourself to trust the process of letting go. You can also remind yourself how brave you are for letting these things go and honour the things you weren’t quite ready to release.

As you move towards the new moon, keep reminding yourself of what you are working towards and why. Tidy up any loose ends and prepare for a new beginning as you move closer to the New Moon.

I hope this ritual has helped you find the things you want to let go of to make space for what’s next in your business. 

If you enjoyed this ritual, you can sign up for my email newsletter, Rituals and Remedies. I love to share my personal practice and rituals for running my business in alignment with the wheel of the year and the natural rhythms of life.

You can also learn more about working with me 1:1 – as I help you run your business more in tune with the seasons. So you can build a business that doesn’t leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Instead, run a cosy, seasonal business that supports you in harnessing your creativity and energy, making space for seasons of growth, reflection, action, AND REST!

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